Hotel Gaweye i Niamey

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Niamey, Niger
Kontakter telefon: +227 20 72 27 10
Latitude: 13.5085075, Longitude: 2.1060616
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Kommentar 5

  • Adedamisi Pegba-Otemolu

    Adedamisi Pegba-Otemolu


    Old hotel but cool




    Only french speaking travellers are comfortable. Others have to exhert enough to make them understand.




    Old room style, but acceptable. Internet very slow, better to try to connect near the elevator, seems to be better on the 1st. This place need a real renovation!

  • Khalid Aziz

    Khalid Aziz


    Don't expect a high standard of quality. Very outdated. No safebox in the room. The carpet could be cleaner. But the view of Niger river is amazing, the staff is very friendly and the food is good.

  • James C

    James C


    Recently stayed here for a conference. Conference attendees were placed here, the Grand, and the Terminus. Out of the three this hotel was the least desirable in several ways. The wifi connection was very slow in comparison to the other hotels. The "hot" water was luke warm at best on some days and cool on others. Several toilets did not have seats. Service at the outside restaurant in the evening was slow even for africa. No gym. Security was good, as was the air conditioning. The bar was okay with minimally skunked beer. They do have beer on draft but i wasn't brave enough to try. Lunch buffet was the best meal but it was pricey ($20). In my future trips I will stay at the Terminus.

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